Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tide Pools with Chris Berg

Living close to the coast, the ocean and shoreline are important to the residents of Bremen. The waters are popular places to relax and play, and their resources also provide the livelihood for some local families. On August 4 Chris Berg will present a program about life in tide pools as part of the summer reading program. If the weather permits the program will include a field trip to a nearby tide pool to see the marine life in its' natural environment. The event begins at the Bremen Library at 10:00 AM. The program is open to the public.
The children signed up for the summer reading program should bring their reading records so they can add a link to the reading chain for every 15 minutes of reading they have done. How long will the chain grow over the summer? Come in and see.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dee Perry Whale program

Today the Bremen Library presented a wonderful program by Dee Perry as part of "Make A Splash-READ" . Perry wrote and illustrated a book for children titled "A Whale In My Backyard." The book tells the true story of how the skeleton of a dead humpback whale found off the Maine coast, became a museum display. Perry brought along pieces of whale bone and baleen to show the audience what a whale skeleton is like. Her lively presentation kept the children interested and they were given the chance to ask questions.
The summer reading program has two more events planned. Chris Berg will present a program about tide pools on Wednesday August 4, with a field trip to a nearby tidal pool. The program begins at 10:00 am at the Bremen Library. The program is open to the public. Children don't have to be signed up for the summer reading program to participate.
The final event will be August 11. A program by the Pemaquid Watershed Ass. about pond life, will be followed by the closing event of the summer reading program.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Antiques Appraisal Show at Bremen Library

Do you have an antique or an old item that you are curious about? If you wonder what it is or how old it is, or just want to know what it is worth, the Bremen Library is where you should head on Monday July 12 at 7:00. John Botero a well known local antique dealer and appraiser will be at the library to look at your treasures and answer your questions. The event is free and open to the public. Bring your items and let John tell you whether your treasure really is a treasure. He will look at one item per person- and if time permits he might look at a second item for you.
Come join the fun. Refreshments will be served.

Libri Grant Celebration

The celebration of the new children's books that the Library received through a grant from the Libri Foundation took place on Wednesday July 7. Over 15 children were in the audience to see the puppet show "Alosa the Alewife" performed by Melissa Glendinning and her hand crafted puppets.
After the puppet show the children looked at all the new books on display, and could check out exciting new titles to start their summer reading.
The Libri Foundation is a non profit organization in Eugene, OR. The mission of the foundation is to donate new children's books to rural public libraries. The group matches donations to the library 2/1. The Bremen Library applied for the grant in spring. The Bremen Patriotic Club made a $350.00 donation to the library that the Libri Foundation matched to give us books worth $1,417.21. An additional award of $350.00 for Math & Science books was also received. The Library selected 82 new quality books to add to the collection. The books were picked from a list of award winning titles, and were selected to appeal to various ages and interests and to update materials and fill gaps in the collection. With the kick off of the summer reading program the new books will be greatly appreciated by the young readers.