Busy Summer Days at the Bremen Library
The Bremen Library has a full schedule of events planned for the upcoming summer months. The main events will start happening the week after July 4 (the official start of a Maine summer).
This July the library will host two Monday Nights @ the Library programs. On July 9 John Botero, local antique appraiser and dealer, will do his version of an antiques roadshow. Participants can bring in their family heirlooms, flea market or yard sale finds and discover the value of what they own. Is it real or a fake? Is it old or a reproduction? I know it's old but is it valuable? Common questions asked by many without the expertise to know what they have. John can answer all these questions as well as giving you background on when and how the item was made and how the current antique market is doing. What's hot in the world of collectors and dealers? The program begins at 7:00 PM.
On July 16 another Monday Nights @ the Library program is planned on an entirely different topic- terrariums. Plant expert, local gardener and newspaper columnist Wanda Macnair in her talk "Bringing the Rainforest Indoors" will show you how to create and care for a terrarium. Wanda has won blue ribbons for her begonias and currently has a display of terrariums with different types of begonias at the library. You are welcome to stop in and take a look during library hours. And her talk on July 16 is free and open to the public.
July will also bring the annual summer reading programs for children and adults too this year. The kick off for the children's program will be held Wednesday July 11 at 10:30 AM. Herring Gut Learning Center will present "Tidal Pools- Nature's Aquariums" with a touch tank of living creatures that can be found along the coast of Maine. This program is free and open to the public. Children can sign up to participate in the summer reading program at this event if they have not done so before. Details of other events will be posted soon. More to follow.
Hope to see you at these fun events. Call for more information.
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