Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dee Perry Whale program

Today the Bremen Library presented a wonderful program by Dee Perry as part of "Make A Splash-READ" . Perry wrote and illustrated a book for children titled "A Whale In My Backyard." The book tells the true story of how the skeleton of a dead humpback whale found off the Maine coast, became a museum display. Perry brought along pieces of whale bone and baleen to show the audience what a whale skeleton is like. Her lively presentation kept the children interested and they were given the chance to ask questions.
The summer reading program has two more events planned. Chris Berg will present a program about tide pools on Wednesday August 4, with a field trip to a nearby tidal pool. The program begins at 10:00 am at the Bremen Library. The program is open to the public. Children don't have to be signed up for the summer reading program to participate.
The final event will be August 11. A program by the Pemaquid Watershed Ass. about pond life, will be followed by the closing event of the summer reading program.

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