April Showers for May flowers
April has started with the classic Maine April Fools joke of a snow storm that closed local schools and the library. So far the weather this month has been cooler than last year. Gardeners are eager to get the earth turned and the first peas planted. Patience is required.
But perennials are beginning to show their colors. Though my daffodils are waiting for one warm day to pop open, other early spring bulbs are still in flower. And I have pulmonaria, helleborus, heathers, and even one small purple primrose in bloom. A fine reminder of why gardeners love to toil away in the dirt.
Before you know it will be May, and Bremen residents know that means the annual Bremen Library Plant / Book / Bake Sale is on the calendar. This year it happens on May 21. The book sale will be held in the library and the doors open at 8:30. The ropes open the plant sale at 9:00 sharp.
Mark the date and we'll see you there.
Labels: Bremen Library Plant Sale May 21