Monday, January 12, 2009

Kill A Watt Energy Detector

The Bremen Library has two energy detectors available for patrons to check out. These monitors will tell how much energy an appliance uses. They were provided from Efficiency Maine. If you are trying to cut down on energy costs, these devices will show you how much electricity different electrical devices consume. Using that information you can make changes that will lower electrical usage and your monthly electric bill. Efficiency Maine has a website with ideas for ways to save energy. Go to for tips to save you money.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and celebrated the arrival of 2009.
The Library has several events planned for the upcoming month. Remember that dates are subject to change if the weather is bad, and the library is closed on days that local schools are closed due to snow.

January Calendar
January 14 Children's Story Time : 10:30 a.m. - Story and craft activity
Book Discussion Group : 3:00p.m. - Founding Brothers by Joesph Ellis
January 28 Children's Story Time : 10:30 a.m. - Music and story