June News and Schedule
May was a very busy month at the library with three story times for children, the book discussion group, and all the hard work of preparing for the annual Plant/Book/Baked goods sale. Thanks to all our hard working volunteers the sale was a great success and raised funds that will support the library in providing services to the community.
As we head into June and the promise of warmer weather we look forward to the return of our summer members. Plans are underway for a summer reading program which will begin in July.
More information will be posted as a schedule is conformed. The book discussion group will be on hiatus until September as members have found that there is too much going on in the summer to participate.
Here is the June schedule so far - activities may be added and some dates may change.
Story Time
June 3 10:30 am - Story and activity lead by Chris Berg
June 10 10:30 am - Music and story lead by Jessica Koubek