Monday, October 27, 2008

Wreath Sale Dates

The Bremen Library wreath sale will be held ath the Bremen Town House on Rt. 32 on

Saturday November 22 9a.m.- noon

Friday November 28 9a.m.- noon

Saturday November 29 9a.m.- noon

There will be a large selection of decorated wreaths to choose from. Also available: plain wreaths or wreaths with only a velvet bow. Wreaths may be pre-ordered for pick up on these dates.



One of a kind, fabulous, traditional Maine wreaths, trimmed with pinecones and other natural materials, boxed and shipped by December 1st.

Cost including shipping $36.00

West of Mississippi cost including shipping $39.00

Please place orders by November 18th

Checks should be made payable to the Bremen Library and sent to:

P.O. Box 163, Bremen, Maine 04551

Your Name…………………………………………………Phone………………………

Shipping to………………………………………………………………………………..



Recipient's phone………………………….

Name on enclosed card……………………………………..

Circle color of bow requested:


Wreath Sale

Halloween is a few days away but plans for Christmas are being made. The Bremen Library's annual wreath sale is set for Saturday November 22 & Friday Nov. 21 & Saturday Nov.29 at the Bremen Town House from 9-12 am. Volunteers have begun to gather pine cones, seed pods, sea shells and other natural materials to decorate the wreaths that are hand crafted in Waldoboro for the library . Orders can be made now for wreaths to pick up during the sale. You can order by phone or stop in at the library.
If you plan to mail a wreath as a gift, place your order and the library will do the shipping for you. Orders will be accepted until November 18th. The cost for a wreath plus shipping is $36.00; $39.00 for orders mailed west of the Mississippi River. Call the library for information.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22 Story time for Little ones

Jessica Koubek will be presenting a storytime for pre school children today at 10:30. She will include singing and movement with reading. All children from infants on up are welcome to join the fun. Jessica is a music teacher and will be joined on the guitar by her mother.
The Bremen Library will be having a story time twice a month so take down these dates and plan to be here. All events are held on Wednesday at 10:30am.

November 5 Chris Berg will lead the group
November 19 Jessica Koubek will take the lead
December 3 Chris Berg
December 17 Jessica Koubek