November is always busy at the Bremen Library because the annual wreath sale takes place. There are other events on the calendar this month as well.
November 7 Bremen Book Group meets at 3:00 P.M.
Rachel Carson is the subject of this month's selection. She was one of the earliest well known scientists who wrote about the dangers facing the environment as a result of man's activities. Some of her writings were based on the observations she made along the coast of Maine, some in the tidal pools a few miles down the road from Bremen. Members of the group have selected a book by Rachel Carson or a biography that they will share with the group.
November 12 Monday Veterans Day - the library will be closed
November 12 Monday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 13 Tuesday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 14 Wednesday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 16 Friday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 17 Saturday 9-12 Wreath Sale at Town House
Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 19 Monday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 21 Wednesday The library will close at 12:00
November 23 Friday 9-? Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 24 Saturday 9-12 Wreath Sale at Town House