Friday, November 16, 2007

December Book Group

The Bremen book group will meet on Wednesday December 19 at 3:00. The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson is the book chosen to read and discuss at this meeting. Larson's popular book was a National Book Award finalist. It is the true tale of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, combining the stories of the architect responsible for the fair, and a serial killer who used the fair to find his victims. To celebrate the holidays cookies will be served at the meeting. The group is open to everyone. The Library will have some copies of the book available to borrow.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

The Bremen Library hopes to see you at our wreath sale on Saturday November 17 or November 24 at the Bremen Town House on RT. 32 in Bremen.The sale starts at 9 a.m. and lasts until noon. Volunteers have been working all week to create beautiful Christmas wreaths to brighten the holidays. Each wreath is unique with an assortment of ribbon colors available. Prices start at $18.00 for a decorated wreath, or you can buy a plain wreath for $12.00 or one with a velvet bow for $14.00. The best advice is to come early for the best selection. This is a fund raiser for the library so you can spread some cheer and help your community at the same time.

The library will close at 12:00 on Wednesday November 21 .

Monday, November 05, 2007

November Calendar

November is always busy at the Bremen Library because the annual wreath sale takes place. There are other events on the calendar this month as well.

November 7 Bremen Book Group meets at 3:00 P.M.
Rachel Carson is the subject of this month's selection. She was one of the earliest well known scientists who wrote about the dangers facing the environment as a result of man's activities. Some of her writings were based on the observations she made along the coast of Maine, some in the tidal pools a few miles down the road from Bremen. Members of the group have selected a book by Rachel Carson or a biography that they will share with the group.

November 12 Monday Veterans Day - the library will be closed

November 12 Monday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 13 Tuesday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 14 Wednesday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 16 Friday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 17 Saturday 9-12 Wreath Sale at Town House
Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 19 Monday 9-2 Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 21 Wednesday The library will close at 12:00
November 23 Friday 9-? Wreath decorating workshop at the Bremen Fire House
November 24 Saturday 9-12 Wreath Sale at Town House