Monday, August 21, 2006


A reception was held on Monday August 21 to celebrate the opening of the quilt exhibit in the library. The exhibit has modern quilts as well as several antique quilts that are 200 years old. Many of the artists who created quilts were present to answer questions and discuss their quilts. The exhibit will be open through Saturday August 26.

QUILT DOCUMENTATION DAY will be held on Sunday August 27 from 10:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.
Quilts made prior to 1960 will be examined by experts who will document it, take a picture of it and assign it a number. Appointments are necessary as space is limited. There are several time slots still open so call Bremen Library at 529-5572 to sign up.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


After a summer hiatus, the Bremen Library book discussion group will resume meeting on Wednesday Sept. 20 at 3:00.
The book we will read and discuss is To Remember Forever by Gladys Hasty Carroll. This is a memoir of college life in Maine during 1922-1923. Gladys Hasty Carroll has written a number of books set in Maine. This memoir will be an interesting look at college life for women in Maine in the early 20th century, and should lend itself to a lively discussion. Copies of the book are available at the library.
At this upcoming meeting we will make a reading list for the coming year, so bring your suggestions for any titles you would like the group to read in coming months.
The book group meets monthly from Sept.- May reading books recommended by the members.
If you love to read and discuss books come join the group.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Sunday August 27, 2006 at the Bremen Library.

Members of the Maine Quilt Heritage will be at the Bremen Library from 10:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. to document quilts for historical purposes. The quilts must predate 1960. Each quilt will be photographed, documented and given a registration number that will be sewn into the quilt. The quilt owner receives a copy of the documentation, and the registration information goes on file for future generations. Space is limited so preregistration is required. If you own an older quilt that you would like documented call the Library at 529-5572 for an appontment.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Bremen Library is presenting an exhibit of quilts from Monday August 21 - Sunday August 27.
An opening reception will be held on Monday August 21 from 2:00-3:00 P.M. This is open to the public. Please join us in our celebration of this colorful art form. For more information call the Library at 529-5572.