Plant Sale Potting Schedule
2008 Bremen Library Plant Sale Potting Schedule
Friday, May 2, 2008, 1 p.m.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 1 p.m.
Friday, May 9, 2008, 1 p.m.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 1 p.m.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 1 p.m.*
Hello, everyone! Hope you enjoyed the beautiful spring weather we so deserved after this winter! But the Plant Sale has crept up on me, (and so have the plants)! Hope you have time to help pot for the Plant Sale - we're really late this year! All the workshops will be at my house at 169 Waldoboro Road, (Route 32), three houses north of the Library, gray cape, white trim. We work rain, shine, or cold, so please dress for it - if it's really nasty out, we'll work with the doors closed. Please bring your own trowel, gloves, etc. - we'll have the pots, plants and soil. If you know someone who wouldn't mind printing labels, please bring them, and any friend who has a basic idea of how to pot up plants! We usually pot 1,000 plants - that's about 200 per session - a LOT of work! And, if you have plants to donate, (and I haven't called you), please let me know before you dig - some things I get lots of. Pricing is usually done the Thursday or Friday before the sale, and if you'd like to help, please let me know. Hope you can join us, and thanks so very much!
Linda Nevins
169 Waldoboro Road
529 - 5257
# This potting date is for those who work - please do let me know if you plan to come - I might want to be out digging in your garden! Thanks!
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